=================== 2.07 =================== Fixed bug that made the program raise an error on first load. The default option for "Play now !" function is set to "Use built-in player" and WinAmp as the default external player. Fixed wrong size calculating. Added ID3v1.x tag support. Added context menu item "Reload tag". Use it to load tags from files in your old base or reload modified tags. Hints will now appear when the mouse is over a file. It will show a size of a file and tag data (optionally). The hint will appear also if you choose an item by a keyboard. Added option for showing hints over files and for showing ID3v1 tag data in hints. Minor changes to mouse actions processing routines. Context menu is splitted into two columns. "OK" button will now be focused in the options window by default. The built-in player will now check the file for compatibility with MCI before loading it. Unfortunately, the system the player uses for playback is far not perfect, so it won't play files with unknown or/and corrupted tag data. In some future version I'll replace it with something better. =================== 2.06 =================== Fixed changing an icon in the second tab (Music List). Fixed bug, that caused the first file in the list not to be added to a playlist automatically. Fixed bug with changing icon from Cyan/Yellow to Green. The program will now try to find a description of a disk you are going to add in the existing music database. If nothing found, the description will be set to the disk's label. Fixed bug in adding disk procedure. Improved the adding disk procedure: now it works much faster. Added option: - Automatically close the "Add disk" window when I press "Add" button. + Sub-option: Only after using drag'n'drop. Some improvements in controlling trees by a mouse. Reworked the playlist making algorythm, now the files will be picked more "randomly". The window, asking for a disk, will now appear not topmost. /debug (or -debug) may now be passed as a parameter to the application if you want to get the list of folders and files found during scan (FileList.txt will be created in the application directory). Fixed bug that didn't allow you to close the application using Escape not from first tab. The main window won't be hidden while copying is in progress. You can close or minimize the copying progress window. A button for switching to the copying progress window is added. It will appear only if a the process of copying files is in progress and the copying progress window is not focused. Sharp overall speedup. Added option: - Use silent adding mode. In this mode dragged folders will be added without any requests using the default configuration. + Sub-option: Only for hard drives. Fixed bug that caused adding another branch for the same hard drive while another language is set. Filter text of the dialogs is now localized also. Now you can use the "Play now !" function with a specified player. There are 3 predefined configurations and user section. You can rename/add/delete configs in the "PlayerConfig.ini" file. Delete it to load defaults. "Play now !" tab is added to the options window. Reduced the number of extensions in the options window. When you open the options window, the first tab will be active (independently of which one was active before closing the window). Fixed bug that didn't allow the program to find a CD in the last CD-ROM. Language file doesn't contain empty lines now. Added hints for comboboxes and input fields. Fixed wrong Enter behavior. Better tab/arrow keys navigating. Reworked some keyboard shortcuts (now it won't lag when you cancel changes to a file name). Added shell open context menu item (Shift+Enter). It will execute the specified in options command. Use > symbol to separate an executable from parameters. You can use global system variables (like %ProgramFiles%). Use %file% to sign a passed file/folder. Added options for the shell open command. Added delete button (and context menu item as well). Its hotkey is Delete. Push Shift key before deleting if you want to delete files physically from disk. Added confirmation options for deleting files. "Add disk" button moved to the database management menu. Removed identical strings from the language file. Fixed double-clicking on free space of a tree. Now you can delete folders from adding list by pressing Delete key. If an item is checked, it will be marked as root one. Use "Add as rooted" checkbox to check or uncheck all items in the list. Press Shift when adding folders to the database to mark them as root folders. If you don't, their child folders will be marked instead. Fixed adding another database to the current one. Loading process is now dynamically displayed. Main window is now accessible when "Add disk" window is opened. Now you can make several playlists and copy them to your hard disk without reopening the application. Just press "Make playlist" button one more time and the list will automatically cleared and refilled. It will be refilled if you add something to a new playlist after copying files as well. =================== 2.05 =================== I've broken this version. =================== 2.04 =================== Fixed wrong behavior when cancelling disk addition without adding anything. Fixed bug, that caused adding an empty folder to the root folder tree. Fixed an order of folders/files in the root folder tree. Files can now be played by pressing Enter (F4 earlier). Now you can select all files in a list by pressing Ctrl+A. Any window (except copy progress view window) can now be closed by Escape. Root control mode can now be finished by pressing either F5 or Escape. Now it's much easier to deal with the "Add disk" window using a keyboard (focus switches to where you need right now). Added a hotkey for "Refresh" button (F5). You can now add folders to your database by dragging them to the main window or to the "Add disk" window. Multiply folders are supported. If you drag a file, it's parent directory will be added instead. Field with the adding folder is replaced by a list with checkboxes. Fixed ading a same disk. The adding folder won't expand now. Lists' are now scrollable by width also. Use Shift+wheel to scroll left or right. Use Ctrl+wheel to scroll up or down 5xfaster. Context menu added. Fixed bug, that caused receiving Black icon while adding a file to the Favorites from the Just Good list. Red button is now enabled in the Playlist tab. Minor interface changed to the options window. Added options: - Show an information window, if a folder being added contains no files of required types - Bring the program to the foreground after using drag'n'drop - Remember the last visited tab - Remember the last visited tree - Automatically expand a selected item and collapse all other ones Now you can rename files and folders from hard drives and change disk description (F2). Note, that the program won't check for file/folder existense, it will just try to rename a file/folder with a certain path. You can't rename folders from the root folder tree. Changed hotkey for a previous search result - Alt+F3. =================== 2.03 =================== Fixed the conflict between the program hotkeys and the system key combinations. A resulting m3u-playlist will now contain only file names (this way it will be more compatible with different players). Added hint for the statusbar, that shows an information text (this helps if the string is longer, than the statusbar). The database was still concidered to be not modified, when you used "Add to DB" function. Fixed search error, when switching on next/previous search resut and no item is selected in a tree. Fixed language applying procedure (it caused page captions to content of multiply numbers of files). Now the "Play now !" button's state reflects keyboard selection too. Main windows is now disabled, when the "Add disk" dialog is open. Now language file will be loaded into all components in the options window (including the comboboxes). An information window will now appear, if a chosen forder wasn't addedfor having no files of required file types. Now you can see your base while adding new disks/folders. Fixed the option "Close the application with confirmation". The options window interface is now tabbed. "Music DB directory" changed to "Destination directory", "Music DB size (MB)" changed to "Size of playlist (MB)". "Fix size of Just Good files in playlist by ... % of playlist's/all Just Good files' size" added. The icon of a Favorite file wouldn't change to Cyan/Red one in the playlist. "Select all" button on the last tab (Just Good) fixed. Fixed Just Good-to-Music list connection. =================== 2.02 =================== Confirmation options added. An option "Ask for each" is now available for HDDs (earlier you could only let copy or not copy from all HDDs at once). Fixed bug, that caused skipping CDs if some HDDs hadn't any files in the playlist. Now the program will only ask confirmation for copying files from HDDs if there are any files from HDDs in the current playlist. Now the playlist won't be larger than the specified size (in previous versions adding to the playlist stopped when its size was more or equal to the specified size; that caused the playlist to be several MBs more, than needed). Fixed a minor defect, that caused the "Choose folder" dialog to update after closing it in "Add disk" dialog (that caused a small delay: floppy and CD/DVD-ROMs were being checked for disks inserted). Data preparation (folder operations) are now faster. Reduced number of buttons in main window (some functions are now available via "Manage DB" menu). "Save" menu item added (Ctrl+Alt+S). Some interface changes to the options window and to the main window are made. Reworked the interface of an "Add disk/folder" wndow: - Now you don't have to choose a drive letter in the combobox, everything is made by the folder browsing dialog. - The disk description field is unavailable only when you choose not a CD-ROM. - The checkbox "Add folder only" is deleted. - The combobox with drive letters is deleted. - The checkbox "Only CD-ROMs" is deleted. - Some other small interface improvements are made. Fixed the bug of playing files. Fixed the bug, that caused creating multiply disks with same name. Fixed bug of searching in the root folder tree. Several minor bugfixes. Language will now apply immediately after you choose it in the list of the options window. =================== 2.01 =================== A hint with a path (*not full) to a playing file will now appear when mouse is over the player. Minor interface improvement of "Adding disk..." window (folder path field now changes its colour, changed checkboxes' behavior). Now you can use "Play now !" function from any list or tree. "Play now !" function now can be started by doubleclicking a file. Hints will show hotkeys now. Swapped "Press to start" and "Switch view" positions. "Press to start" and "Make playlist" buttons have now bold font. Added a hotkey for switching between the trees (Ctrl+'~') Fixed bug that allowed to add empty folders/disks. Fixed bug - the root folder tree wasn't cleared when clearing DB. =================== 2.0 =================== Release !